Jeff Zebrowski
Credentials: Environment, Health and Safety
Position title: Director of Chemical Safety/Chemical Hygiene Officer
Website: Jeff's staff page
Phone: 608-890-0993
Jeff Zebrowski joined the Department of Environment, Health & Safety in 2005 and has been the campus Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) since 2009. In his current role he is responsible for overall campus safety and compliance in all matters related to the use of hazardous chemicals. Prior to that he has had a variety of roles both on campus and off. On campus he helped run the campus select agent program and outside the university he has worked on environmental site remediations in the private sector, and was the Measurement Development Program Manager at a DOE nuclear measurement lab.
A campus-wide chemical inventory system has been a goal of Jeff’s since he became the campus CHO. The Chemical Safety Office is committed to providing long-term support to the platform. He sees ChemManager+ as a way of providing researchers and instructors the tools to manage in-lab chemical procurement and safety while simultaneously allowing the campus to reduce risks and aid in mandatory state, federal, and local regulatory compliance.