Aaron McCoy
Credentials: Environment, Health and Safety
Position title: Assistant Chemical Hygiene Officer
Email: aaron.mccoy@wisc.edu
Website: Aaron's staff page
Phone: 608-422-1989
Aaron McCoy is the Assistant Chemical Hygiene Officer within the Environment, Health, and Safety Department at the University of WI-Madison. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry from UW-Madison, during which time he conducted research in the Mecozzi lab in the School of Pharmacy. He worked as an Organic Chemistry teaching assistant throughout graduate school and continued as a lecturer after graduation. For the past 7 years, Aaron’s work has focused on working with the campus research community to mitigate the risks associated with the use of hazardous materials. Between hazard assessments, spill response, lab remodeling reviews, and generalized problem solving, Aaron’s primary goal is to assist labs in creating a safer laboratory.